Enthralled by the infants you see swimming in TV shows and documentaries? Well, the sight of swimming babies is not unusual especially now when moms are provided with so much opportunities for their children’s early development.
Here are just some of the many reasons why babies should be taught how to swim at a very young age.
– Learning how to swim will keep children safe from drowning in rivers, pools, and ponds. If you have a swimming pool at home, better teach the children how to use it instead of barricading the pool to keep them from falling into it.
– Swimming is a good way to let your baby exercise.
– It’s a fun activity that helps infants develop their gross motor skills.
– Swim classes help strengthen the bond between infants and their mothers.
– Swimming skills can prevent babies from being afraid of water especially when they have someone in the pool with them that they trust.
When can babies start to learn how to swim?
Private swimming classes take in babies as young as four weeks old but most swimming instructors recommend that infants start at six weeks. It’s recommended that the pool be heated up to 32 degrees Celsius. Fortunately, baby swim classes make sure to use special warm pools.
Baby swimming classes are usually held in small pools where teachers make sure that their students are relaxed and having fun. In these classes, teachers take advantage of the baby’s natural reflexes—it’s said that they are born with the primitive ability to swim. It’s natural for infants to hold their breath underwater instinctively because of their gag reflex, which is strongest at six months.
As the baby becomes more confident in the water, he starts developing skills that allows him to move around and swim happily in the pool.
Baby and Pool Safety
– Keeping the swimming pool warm enough is very important. When you notice him shaking, get him out of the pool right away and cover him up to keep him warm.
– Don’t go swimming if your baby is feverish or has a tummy bug. Let him be clear until at least after 2 days.
– Gradually increase the time the child spends in the pool. Start with 10 minutes then increase up to 20 minutes. The maximum time a child should spend in the pool is 30 minutes, especially if he hasn’t reached his first year yet.