
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Amazing Outdoor Pool in Retro Style with High Look Pool

 we will discuss about the amazing outdoor pool with a high look pool concept in retro style uses to create the atmosphere of a different pool.
amazing outdoor pool high look

Outdoor pool designs with high look

This time, the design of the outdoor swimming pool which was built a little different from other designs due to the design of the outdoor swimming pool has a different characteristic that is the position of the pool which is higher from the ground. High walls of this pool is 30 inches from the topsoil with pool area 65 square meters. quite spacious for the size of the pool house. In order to withstand the water wall of water, then the material used is concrete with the thickness of the material is quite strong so it will hold water. The initial concept was actually built to compensate for the home that are not too far away to take the position of the pool. If you find the incident position of home like this, desian concept like this is good enough for you to make a reference. Good luck and I hope this information is helpful :)
retro style with high look pool
high look pool
amazing outdoor swimming pool

High Look Pool in retro Style

amazing outdoor pool
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