patron loading
designation of area : for purposes of computing patron load, those portions of the swimming pool 5 feet 91.5 m 0 or less in
depth shall be designated the shallow area .
those portions of the swimming pool over 5 feet in depth shall be designated the deep area
area loading :
1- shallow area : fifteen square feet of pool water surface area shall be provided for each patron
2- deep area : twenty five square feet of pool water surface area shall be provided for each patron
3- diving or slide area : where a separate designated diving or slide area is provided, and other swimmers are not allowed in
this area, it may be excluded from the surface area used for computing patron load,
however, ten patrons shall be included for each board, platform or slide
4-additional area allowance : additional allowance will be made on the basis of an additional patron per each 50 square feet
of pool deck in excess of the minimum area of deck required and one additional patron per each 100 square feet of picnic and
play area within then closure